I can’t believe we are entering October already. This year has flown by so quickly. As a child, time seemed to pass by so slowly. Nonetheless, the last few months have been extremely busy for me. Just running a travel agency, finding time for a personal life, and now this Wiser Travel Agents Business Forms venture have all kept me moving in overdrive.
I started my Wiser Travel Agents Business Forms project at the beginning of this year and finally launched this website in July. Since that time, I’ve seen increased interest in my forms through membership growth and by the very encouraging comments and wonderful reviews received on this site. For this I am grateful. Further, I could not have achieved this milestone without your support. So this Wiser Travel Agents Business Forms News Gratitude post was due.
Therefore, I wanted to take the time to say, “Thank You” to the Travel Agents who have purchased my forms packages and those who have visited my site and shown an interest. I am so happy to have you along on this journey. As a result, I am constantly finding more ways to make my forms better and to create new forms. On the other hand, my custom design service has seen activity too.
Coincidentally, my wiser travel agents design service also helps me create custom forms on request for agents who have their own ideas for forms or documents that I can help develop. What I like most about the custom design service is not only do I get to help create new forms or documents, but I also get to add them to my products of forms depository so other agents have the opportunity to purchase those new forms as well.
In the near future, I am hoping to have my newest Forms Category “Contracts” available for purchase. This Wiser Travel Agents Business Contracts category will be a great addition to my products line on this website. I know we all use various types of contracts from time to time so I wanted to add some useful contracts that I have created and contracts I created for other agents. You will see an announcement posted on this page and via email.
So, in retrospect, I just want to take the time to give my thanks to you all for visiting my site, purchasing my forms, calling, and emailing me. I have so much gratitude for this community. When I started this project, I was excited to be able to create standard documents travel agents could use, brand, and modify to confirm to their specific business needs. Subsequently, I am ecstatic to see so many agents from North America expressing an interest in my forms and documents. I am confident that my forms will work very well for you.
In closing, I wanted to invite you to refer other agents to this website who may be interested in my business forms too.
Without a doubt, I really appreciated being apart of the travel agent community. No one really understands how we operate or how helpful and collaborative we really are with one another. For those who have purchased my forms, I would appreciate you leaving your comments or reviews about the forms you purchased. I would like others to know what you think and how or if my forms have been what you expected.
Furthermore, I am open to criticism as well because it helps me develop and update the forms to work better for you. So, please don’t be shy! The reviews from you I get will help others to know I am legit!
Thanks again for your interest and support!