Greetings Agents,
What’s new in 2022? What’s changing? Well, it has been two long years since we went into Covid-19 Purgatory in March 2020. Often, it was a living hell with all the frustration and changes to the travel industry. Like many, the cancellations, postponements, and efforts to rebook trips took a major toll on my mental soul. Although I often thought about retiring before Covid-19, the whole pandemic crisis made my decision a lot easier. As you may know, I’ve been planning and arranging travel for over 25 years professionally, and another 10 years as an entertainment assistant.
As such, I spent a long time doing the same thing or task. The run was fun. And although I love to travel and the travel industry, I’ve grown tired and frustrated of the process due to Covid-19 and all of its little variants. Honestly, I just don’t enjoy the planning process as much as I used to. In fact, I became very stressed over it and my decision to quit. My mind wants to place blame on all the frustration and changes to the travel industry due to Covid-19. But that’s not true.

I’ve learned a lot about this industry. What’s New in 2022? My decision to step down and take down my Travel Advisor shingle was long past due. It is true that I needed to move over so someone else could take the reins. I left my clients in good hands. That being said, closing my travel business on December 31, 2021, brought added relief. Actually, I had every intention of just ceasing everything related to my travel business with the exception of my personal travel. Yes, I had announced that this site was going to be shut down on January 31, 2022.
But due to numerous requests to keep it up, I’ve decided to maintain this website indefinitely. Since retiring from the travel industry, I have more time to manage this site. After all, providing my forms and documents to travel agents brings me joy. So at the request of many, the site will remain online. Also, my appreciation goes out to the many agents who have purchased my forms and have expressed their love for my forms. I am equally happy that my forms are useful and helpful. I’ll be around and reachable either by text or email if needed.
Personally, I do have other plans in the works this year now that the travel business is off my plate. Those plans may be revealed in the months to come as to what that new chapter will be. I can only tell you that I will be happily doing something that I have always wanted to do and never really had the change to start. In spite of the pandemic, I am staying positive and busy, but in a better more stress-free way. Thanks again for your support and patronage, this site would not exist without your demand for the forms and documents provided.
Peace and love,