What’s New and Changing in 2024?

There are new changes on this site and in my life. This year, 2024, has brought a whirlwind of new experiences for me. I retired from working and then I moved to France. Leaving the US and Moving Abroad wasn’t easy. It took months of preparation and so much effort to accomplish. However, I am now settled in my new home and look forward to continue managing this website and other endeavors.
First, I am in the process of updating all the forms in my product depository. I will be sending out complimentary copies of these updates to my current members who purchased those forms from this site since 2017. It will take time to get these updates completed and then sent out, so be patient. Second, I’ve changed the membership registration level for new members joining in 2024 as discussed below.
Managing any website can become a full time job, especially when there are people creating bogus registrations on your website. Unfortunately, there are new changes that I’ve had to implement to my website’s membership registration status and also who can use this website. To remove the multitude of nuisance registrations took up a great deal of my time. Those bogus registrations served no purpose other than to disrupt my business.
So in order to stop these random registrations, I had to change the membership level on my this website this summer from free to Lifetime with a small fee. Although I didn’t want to charge a fee, I had to for my sanity’s sake and to keep this site up and operating. I tried to come up with alternative solutions but nothing else stopped the mischief makers.
This fee serves two purposes, 1) to help better manage my site and 2) to eliminate people from registering who are not interested in my business forms because they are not travel agents only troublemakers. This fee only applies to new registrants beginning in 2024. Therefore, all existing members registered on this site before January 2024 have been upgraded to the lifetime membership level and will not be required to pay this new membership fee on any additional products they purchase.
This new $5 lifetime membership fee will not impact you financially. Instead, it will be offset as a $5 credit on your first purchase of any product on my site. You will find the $5 product discount code for this credit on the registration page and via email after you register.
I originally designed this website to provide forms to US and Canadian Residents only. Therefore, only agents in North American are eligible to access my website. Travel agents from other countries will be restricted from registration. Many of the bogus registrations that I’ve stopped came from individuals in countries outside the U.S. Therefore, only North American travel agent business owners can register and access this website. This change was also necessary.
If you are not a travel agent but are interested in learning how to become a travel agent, you can contact me for more information.
As always, you can contact me for further information about this new membership level or any other questions you may have about my products.
All my best,
Celeste Cooley